OOTD: Just Do It, Vintage Style

When you're all ready to admit that climate change is real and global warming is dancing around us with two middle fingers way up in the air, I'll be over here on this park bench in the middle of winter wearing NO COAT. Sure, I won't completely complain about being able to spend a weekend off in minimal layers, but let's not forget that the world is falling apart around us. Did I sufficiently ruin your morning? Cool, we can move on to talking about clothes again. 

I spied this vintage cropped Nike sweatshirt on Mesa Home's Instagram page a while back, and just about dropped whatever I was doing and booked it there. I'm a layer-er by nature, and I had this perfect combo in mind: toss that thing ontop a turtleneck and high-waisted jeans, and: voila! Just about everything I ever wanted in an outfit. Well, plus my trusty Converse and denim jacket. I sure crammed a lot of favorites into a Saturday brunch look. 

You'd think I might have beanies galore in my closet, but here's a fun fact: Up until the last few months, I only had one. I picked up this newbie at Swedlife in the Delmar Loop. It's a rad company, run by even more rad dudes, and they carry Carrots, a brand by super young and super talented Anwar Carrots. I'm particularly fond of this one because it's reversible: one side has the embroidered carrot logo, and the other has the name of the company. I also finally upped my sunglasses game thanks to the Simon Premium Outlets. I know I preach about my quest to wear only secondhand or sustainably-made clothing, but when the generous people at the Outlets say "have at it!" you treat yourself to something you know you'll have for years (therefore not buying multiple cheap sunnies that will break over time and then create more waste). I finally caught up with the Ray-Ban trend after all these years, and I'm pretty stoked. 


Sure, I'm cheesin', but that's what happens you wear what makes you happy. Especially when 87% of what you wear falls within your "save the world" clothing parameters. Yes, I did the math.

I also wanted to give another shoutout to local startup Face and Body Shoppe for pampering me a while ago with some items to try. The gorgeous face you see here in these photos comes with the help of theBalm's Betty-Lou Manizer bronzer. This hyper pigmented product not only makes me feel like a million bucks, but also comes in some of the cutest packaging I've seen in a while. Y'all know I'm not going to argue with a pinup girl on my makeup, especially when she looks suspiciously like Bettie Page - one of my all-time biggest crushes. The nail polish you see peeking out in the above photo is also available at Face and Body Shoppe, and was recently featured here on the blog.

Well, today is supposed to be 76 degrees, and then it's supposed to snow on Saturday. I'll take what I can get. Seeya on the flipside of our wild weather.

Thanks to Lily Voss Photography for these great snaps! 

Outfit Details:
Earrings: Rebel+Ruse  |  Hat: Swedlife  |  Ray-Bans: c/o Simon Premium Outlets
Jacket & Shoes: Avalon Exchange  |  Turtleneck & Jeans: Goodwill  |  Sweatshirt: Mesa Home